Tag: autumn

Apple Hand Pies

Apple Hand Pies

Happy apple pie day, everyone! Yes, this is a made up social media holiday, most likely an American invention, but since is autumn here down under, may 13th is actually a perfect day for baking apple pies.

Pecan Pie Recipe

Pecan Pie Recipe

This week I though I try my hand at a pecan pie, my first ever. And, let me tell you, it will certainly not be the last. With a buttery flakey crust, a gooey maple flavoured filling and crunchy delicious pecans on top, what a yummy pie this is.

Cinnamon Rolls Recipe

Cinnamon Rolls Recipe

Every year, when starts to get colder, I immediately start collecting recipes with lots of cinnamon. There is something about cold weather and that spicy smell that just goes perfectly together.